Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Once upon a time...

Seeing the morning sun shine through the fog as it lifts is a magical experience.  A place like this certainly makes one believe in fairy worlds.

Monday, April 23, 2012


In the process of getting caught up on all the photos that I have taken just before and during my computer's death.  Enjoy the moon.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

It took too long...

It has taken too long for me to get back into the swing of things after my computer died.  We finally got it fixed and I have been going crazy with how much I was really behind on everything.
In my time computerless I have taken many photos which I need to get here on the blog.  I am starting things off with photos from work.
These started out as faux micros.  I don't have a micro lens but I do have one on my wish list... with about 4 others.  I hope that you all enjoy them.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Life is unjust...

Just when I start to get back into the swing of editing and posting... my computer keels over and dies!  Like bury it in the backyard D-E-A-D!  We have a new motherboard on its way as we speak but it is already taking too long!  I want my computer back!

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Wow!  Two posts in one week... hotdog!  So the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day after I got off work today.  I thought to myself 'what a waste to spend it at home watching tv.'  So I didn't.  I called up a friend of mine for an impromptu photo session at a local museum.  I will post some of the photos I took of her and her kids in the days to come.  The whole place was blooming!  So beautiful.

Hopefully my uninspired streak has gone with the winter gloom.  Guess we will just have to wait to see.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


It has been raining.  All week.  Which is making me concerned that I am going to have to reschedule a session that I have planned for Sunday.  Maybe we can make FLOOD work for us!

This prevning it was, of course, raining, but I saw the sun poke itself out of the clouds.  I grabbed up my camera, who's battery light is flashing (I can't seem to find my battery charger), and ran outside barefoot with a hope.  Success!  Mostly...  I didn't want to step off the porch into the wet muddy grass and risk my camera to the still falling rain so I was trying to shoot around the corner of the house through a tree.  My result is not the best rainbow photo I have ever seen... and hopefully not the best that I will ever take... but I am glad for it.  

Remember the rainbow is God's promise that the rain will not last... the storms will eventually clear.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Change is never ending...

Recently I discovered that another local photographer has been using the name of CT Photography as well as myself.  Even though I believe that I have been using the name longer I have decided to change my company name and rebrand everything.  Actually this was just the kick in the hind quarters that I needed.  I have not been off to a great start in 2012 with my photography.  There just doesn't seem to be enough time to edit photos and blog.  I think though that with the rebranding, things will get better.  CT photography has now officially changed to...

                        Laughter & Love Notes Photography

The address of this blog has already been changed to LLNphotography.  My facebook page has also had it's name changed... although there is still some work to do over there too.  All the previous photos are still going to say CT and until I can get the header changed it will also say CT.  So please have patience with me while my company and indeed myself go though this little identity crisis.  We will come out of it stronger.

Monday, January 2, 2012


I know that the holiday season is over and that it is a new year, but I was playing around with some photos I had taken over the season.  I am playing around with a new watermark design as well, so feel free to provide me with some feedback if you like or don't like the stamps.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Downloadable Timeline Cover for Facebook

I loved designing this template and hope that you will enjoy using it!  It is the full size of the Facebook timeline cover photo.

This is my first attempt at a tutorial about how to use a psd template.  The colors in the blank template above match the colors on the layers menu which I have included a screen shot of below.  I did this to stop confusing myself while I was making the template!  If you are unfamiliar with clipping masks, I encourage you to check out this tutorial on using clipping masks by The CoffeeShop Blog.  
You can download the template for photoshop here!  Enjoy!

I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions for more themes that you can provide.

Memories, Dreams, and Reflections 2011


You get my feet... on the cruise ship relaxing as we left Mobile.  The prompt said that we should write about what we are most proud of accomplishing in 2011... well I don't know.  I got my new camera and started learning to use it with the help of the wonderful blogger ladies I love to follow.  I took my first real vacation ever.  I was able to stay home all summer with my daughter and loved every minute of it... especially bed time!  Oh... I finally got married after being engaged for five years!  
I guess that is accomplishing something.  We were married on Friday the 13th... and yes we did it on purpose.

Still Laughing... 

This is a story that is probably only funny if you were there.  This bridge is one of many that cross the Mississippi River.  We were on our way home from Mobile after the cruise (so sad!).  We had a GPS that I named Lola... it just seemed like a Lola.  I guess that this bridge was fairly new because just as we drive onto it Lola started yelling at us to take an immediate right turn!  We were yelling at Lola that we couldn't turn... we were on a bridge!  She kept yelling at us and we kept yelling at her!  It was a hysterical mess!  Four grown people yelling in the car!  I laugh every time that I think about it... you, however, are probably thinking that I need psychiatric help.

Winter Wonderland 

Don't know what can say winter wonderland more than two foot of snow!


Kiera's fourth birthday party.  We had the party at her gymnastics gym which is why she is all sweaty.  It was her first party with friends from gymnastics and school.  She is growing up much too quickly.


Kiera's friends and mine too!

Spring Fever

Vacation and Let's do it again... 
My summer vacation... I am so in love with the ocean.  I would stay on that boat for months if they would let me!  The arrow in the top photo is pointing to our room... very bottom... very back.  It made for a very long walk down a very long hall... especially if we came down the front-most elevators!  But the engine noises and the ship rocking made for very restful sleep!  So amazing.

Summer Days 

A Day In My Life 

She is watching the Lion King on youtube.  I had been watching a TV show online and she decided that she also wanted to watch something on the laptop.  I had to snap a few photos... she was just sitting there so perfectly.

Autumn Harvest 

Family or Home

My daughter and my dog.  I have to admit... this is the only photo I am using that I did not take.  It was taken with my camera though so I am counting it.  My 13 year old sister-in-law took it... and I love it!  

This is something that I saw on either a blog or Facebook post before work and could not find again when I looked for it just now.  So if the person who made that post is reading this please know that I was going to give you credit... but at the moment have no idea who you are!  Sorry.  This photo is a blend of two different ones... one that is just bokeh and one that is in complete focus.  It gives the blobs of light a center of focus... for the most part.  I couldn't get them all to line up.  


Well that just goes without saying!

Dress Up 




I chose a photo from Kiera's Christmas pageant from church.  She was an angel in the show.  They had this little song with hand motions to sing.  I am not really sure how Kiera ended up with a microphone... but at least she was sharing with the other little angel.

Don't Ever Change 

I chose this photo for this prompt because I want my little girl to stop growing!!  When I tell her that she just tells me that she can't stop growing... I am sad now.

Just Because...So There! 

This photo doesn't fit anywhere!  I love it though... even though it is a exoskeleton of a bug... it has nice bokeh!

Hopes and Dreams 

    I have no photo for this prompt... I wish that I could photograph the future... it would save me a bunch of stress!  There is so much that I hope for the coming year... a new house, a new car, time with Kiera... the list could go on for days... just know that I intend to share it all with you throughout the year.

    Happy 2012!  May all your hopes and dreams come true!